Batman Wiki
Batman Wiki

Gillian B. Loeb was the Commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department for some years in Gotham City. He made many enemies during his time as Police Commissioner, but he was dedicated to stopping crime, he is believed to be un-corrupt (unlike his comics counterpart). However, according to Mayor Garcia's funeral speech, Loeb had instituted policies that were deemed unfavorable by the public, which may or may not imply corruption.


Batman Begins

Loeb was on duty on the night that young Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered. He informed Bruce that the culprit, Joe Chill, was arrested.

After Batman apprehended Carmine Falcone, Loeb viewed him as a threat due to his opposition against vigilance, and ordered a massive task force to arrest him despite Batman's role in the arrest of Gotham's biggest crime lord.

Months later when Ra's al Ghul attacked Gotham, Loeb was surveying the main bridge that attached Gotham to the Narrows. Loeb had allowed all SWAT, Task Force, and most Gotham Police into the Narrows before Ra's let his fear gas release from Gotham's railway.

The Dark Knight

He presumably allowed the Bat-Light to be placed atop Police HQ. In The Dark Knight however, Commissioner Loeb's fingerprint (from a whiskey glass inside Loeb's desk) was given to the The Joker by a corrupt GCPD officer, Loeb's fingerprint was placed on a Joker card, along with Harvey Dent and Judge Janet Surillo and given to Gordon as who the Joker would target next. Gordon rushed to City Hall and burst into Loeb's office, in an attempt to get him to safety. The Commissioner did not believe the threat and took out a whiskey bottle and glass, and poured himself a scotch (and implies that drinking on the job was his solution to people making death threats to him, which there were a lot). However, the bottle had been poisoned; Gordon realised this only seconds after the Commissioner had started drinking the scotch after Loeb asked how Joker may have gotten his prints as Gordon was running down the list of possibilities, including the alcohol glasses.

Loeb collapsed and died, with smoke pouring out the glass (implying that the fatal ingredient was a strong acid). Surillo was also killed minutes after Loeb died. While the Commissioner's funeral was taking place, the Joker attempted to assassinate Mayor Garcia, but he was saved by James Gordon; Gordon was thought to be dead, but he faked his death to capture the Joker and to protect his family's safety. Gordon replaced Loeb as Commissioner.


  • In the novelization of The Dark Knight, Loeb's full name is given as Perry Loeb.